Monday, November 15, 2010

children's book

Hi Everyone,

A friend illustrated a children book.

Released on October 30th in Connecticut.  The book is in independent books stores and will be in Borders Books soon enough, it's also up on my friend's  website at

The book is dedicated to her cousin, Cullen Dwyer of Massachusetts, who is a traumatic brain injury survivor. A portion of the profits from the sale of this book will benefit the Brain Injury Association of America.

If you could check her site out and the book. 

Jordan Village
by Robin G. Maillett
illustrated by LeeAnn Graham
This story for children is about a fruit tree, named Brie, that grows along the ground instead of upright and grows in the yard of a gentle, old woman named Rosie. Jordan is a young squirrel whose front paw did not fully develop and makes his home in the den of the fruit tree because he can not climb. Squire Screech Owl watches over Jordan and keeps Jordan safe from predators. But everything is not cozy in Rosie's backyard...Brie is often made fun of by the tall oaks, towering maples and weeping willows; things soon change, however, when a hurricane hits Jordan Village and no one, not man nor beast, ever makes fun of Brie or Jordan again.

Thank you,

Polly Plain